Swap Free Account
There are different types of accounts in the Forex industry that appeal to different types of users. One of them is swap-free forex account.It is a deal between two parties to exchange two currencies at a certain exchange rate at a certain time in the future.
The Swap-Free account, also known as the Islamic Account, is at least as profitable as other types of accounts. The only difference between a swap-free account and a regular account is that there is no interest fee.
In Forex markets, swap is referred to as overnight carrying cost/overnight rate. Interest differences between two countries’ currencies are taken into account when calculating Forex swap rates.
If you are among the investors who do not want to earn interest due to your religious sensitivities or do not want to incur costs due to interest, the Swap-Free Account option may be a better choice for you. With the swap-free account, you can move the positions you have opened to the next day without paying an interest fee.

Fixed Account
A fixed account is a type of account of which spread rate is subject to a fixed rate without being affected by the market activity. As it offers the investor the opportunity to invest without being exposed to the unexpected and frequent fluctuations in the market, you don’worry about your investment.
Although it is affected by the sharp fluctuations in the market from time to time, when the market movements return to normal, the spread rates will return to the range you settled. Unless sharp decreases in liquidity and sharp volatility rises are seen in fixed forex accounts, very impressive changes are not common.
One of the account types we offer you as Fiber Markets is the fixed account. Unlike the account types with dynamic spread system, which are affected even by the unsharp ups and downs of the market, you can make longer term and predictable investment movements with the fixed account.

ECN Account
ECN Account, which stands for Electronic Communication Network, is seen as one of the biggest innovations in the modern forex market.
ECN account is among the first choices of investors with its transparency, practicality and advantages. With direct access to liquidity collateral and automatic matching of order requests, it is defined as the step of the future for the vast majority of forex investors globally and the bridge that connects the investor to it.
An ECN broker takes advantage of commission fees per transaction.
ECN account is one of the account types offered by Fiber Markets. With this account type, you can make instant and secure forex trading with the support of trading algorithms, expert consultants and risk management systems.
Let us choose the most suitable account for you with our approach that we prioritize service, start earning with us without wasting time!